We get asked a lot about the mix of subjects for each Key Stage. We've put together a few things that might help - this covers an outline for KS1 through to KS4:
These are links to documents on the Department of Education Web site, explaining what's required through Key Stages 1 and 2. They provide a clear guide as to what you need to cover. The Government Web site can be a nightmare to navigate; these links might just take that headache away.
- Programme of Study
- Spelling
- Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
- English glossary This is extremely useful if you've forgotten the exact differences between verbs, adverbs, subjects, objects and so on.
- Programme of Study
- Mathematics Guidance: Introduction
- Mathematics Guidance: Year 1
- Mathematics Guidance: Year 2
- Formal written methods These are more a reminder to you than something to wave at a KS1 learner!
Art and Design
Design & Technology
Here we have links to the tests used in 2019 to assess learning at the end of Key Stage 1:
Science Sparks
Some excellent ideas and resources for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 here: Science Sparks
Primary School Music
When the ABRSM teams up with Classic FM and Decca Classics, you can be sure the results are something worth looking at (and listening to!). Some great stuff here for EYFS, KS1 and KS2: Classical 100 Primary.
Rhyming Multisensory Stories
A wonderful site dedicated to storytelling through the senses, with some superb onward links as well. Rhyming Musltisensory Stories.
We're still expanding our links to resources for primary-aged pupils as friends and colleagues suggest them, adding useful goodies and links here for you and your young learner.
All sections are still slowly expanding, please keep an eye here for updates.